Saturday, November 1, 2008

We had a lot of fun this Halloween! Talie and her kids, and Ben and Cindy came over for pizza, and then we got all the kids ready to go trick-or-treating. It was total craziness at my house, but worth it. I think everyone had fun!

Grumpy Snow White! I could not get a smile out of her for pictures

Snow White with Grumpy! Hmm... maybe that is what she should have dressed up as

Cute kids! Brody was a pirate, Kasie was Cinderella, and Riley was Iron Man

Beautiful Princesses!


Madi has been obsessed with Snow White ever since she saw Shrek 3. She loves the part where Snow White sings the Led Zeppelin's "Immigrant Song". She will dance and sing just like Snow White. Well, now she is thrilled, because she has the dress to match the part. So here is a little video of her in action!


Anonymous said...

Ha!Ha!I seen you dance Madi Finally, since you will never do it for us! So cute

Jessica said...

oh my word! thats the cutest thing! she is pretty good at the singing part to! she is DARLING britney!